Saturday, November 30, 2013

Quit Smoking 101: Lesson 10 - Quit Smoking Success Stories

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Lesson 10 - Quit Smoking Success Stories
Terry Martin
From Terry Martin, your Guide to Smoking Cessation

The last newsletter in this series is devoted to the personal quit stories of those who have walked the path and found long term freedom from nicotine addiction. There is nothing more inspirational than hearing from others just like us who have smoked for years and quit successfully.

You have what it takes to quit smoking within your right now. Put yourself and your quit program at the top of your priority list and resolve to do whatever is necessary for however long it's necessary to break free of this addiction.

Thousands quit smoking every year and never look back. You can too. Arm yourself with education, determination and support and there is nothing you cannot accomplish. Believe it!

If You Want to Change Your Life, Change Your Mind.

Personal Quit Stories
A Year of Living Gratefully -- Jane's Story
From Jane: "For 37 years I had one last cigarette before turning in for the night, every night. On August 5, 2006, I had one last cigarette that I hoped and prayed with all my heart would be the last cigarette of my life."

What an Investment! -- Michelle's Story
From Michelle "People invest in savings and retirement accounts and IRA's, and rightly so, but none of these will matter if a smoking-related illness claims your life before you can enjoy the benefits of your other investments. Smoking cessation is worth every minute you invest and more. The freedom that awaits you is nearly indescribable, and with each passing year, as my gratitude continues to grow, so does my hope that more and more people will decide to reclaim the lives they were meant to live."

One Year Smoke Free!
Four Years Later -- Mary's Story
From Mary: "Fourteen years and more than 10,000 packs later, I decided that I WOULD NOT be a slave to my addiction any longer."

What a Difference a Year Can Make -- Bella's Story
From Bella "What a difference a year can make. I think back to when I rang in 2006 and I was feeling nothing less than desperation. My throat was raw day and night, my voice was weak and I was completely afraid. "You have to get a handle on this, girl," was what I thought, "or it's over for you. There might be something wrong with you already. It's time to make some significant changes."

Be Patient. Be Strong. Have Courage. -- Kevin's Story
From Kevin: "I hope that all smokers can one day enjoy their lungs the way they did in their smokeless childhoods. One of the ways I convinced myself to finally quit involved reminiscences of my own childhood lungs, their indefatigable prowess, how deeply I was able to breathe while rounding the bases after smashing a line drive into left/center, or the massive huffs of air I'd take every third stroke while competing in a freestyle race."

A Message to Those Who "Can't" Quit Smoking -- Walt's Story
Walt's story is particularly compelling because what happened to him could happen to any smoker, especially those of us who have spent many years of our lives smoking cigarettes.

Why I Quit Smoking -- Lane Baldwin
"Why did I finally quit smoking? After years of trying? After years of promising myself I would? After thousands of packs of cigarettes and many more thousands of dollars? Do you really want to know?"

Online Quit Support
Smoking Cessation Support Forum
Support is a key ingredient in a successful quit program. Connect with others who are going through smoking cessation now, along with those who are further along and can offer advice.

This email is written by:
Terry Martin
Smoking Cessation Guide
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Friday, November 29, 2013

About Yoga: Special Edition: Yoga Humor Instead of Shopping

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Yoga Styles


Poses & Workouts

From Ann Pizer, your Guide to Yoga

Although it's getting harder and harder to ignore that this is the Biggest Shopping Day Of The Year, on the off chance that a few yoga types are avoiding holiday madness, here are some funny yoga articles to share with your loved ones, Or keep them to yourself. I'm not here to judge.

Embarrassing Yoga Questions
Brought to you from the department of natural bodily functions that make noises and smells. Also, thongs.


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Ann Pizer
Yoga Guide
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Quit Smoking 101: Lesson 9 - Relapse Prevention

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Lesson 9 - Relapse Prevention
Terry Martin
From Terry Martin, your Guide to Smoking Cessation

The urge to smoke....oh, to have just one cigarette!

At some point in cessation, most of us have thoughts that smoking just one cigarette, or just for tonight would be alright. We know better than to believe that is true, but time and distance from the last cigarette smoked can soften the edges on the reasons we quit in the first place.

Learning to navigate around the unhealthy thoughts of smoking that are bound to come up now and again through the first smoke-free year is a necessary and critical step in the recovery process.

Will I Miss Smoking Forever?

Does the urge to smoke weeks or months into cessation mean we are doomed to fail? Will we spend the rest of our lives chained to this addiction, whether we're actively smoking or not? No. Urges to smoke are simply indicators of the healing process that is going on within us and should be regarded as progress.

Today's lesson will help you begin to understand and reprogram your mind away from the junkie thinking that is a byproduct of quitting tobacco. I've also included stories from people who have been through a smoking relapse. Their perspectives give us plenty of valuable food for thought.

Keep your memory green, your reasons for quitting close at hand, and remember: There is no such thing as "just one" cigarette.

Avoiding Relapse - Beat Junkie Thinking
4 Steps to Defeat the Urge to Smoke
When we first quit, the urge to smoke a cigarette can be overwhelming. Take some time to learn how to decipher what your body is trying to signal, and making better choices is easy.

5 Steps That Lead to a Smoking Relapse
Let's take a look at 5 of the most common pitfalls for a smoking relapse.

Rationalizations for Smoking
Look through this list of common rationalizations and see if you can identify with any of them. Prepare yourself for success by knowing what to expect and how to give those thoughts the big brush off!

There is No Such Thing as Just One Cigarette
Thoughts of smoking just one cigarette have been the ruin of many good quitting efforts. It's important for you to realize ahead of time that these mental contortions are a normal part of the recovery process. A little preparation will keep you in the driver's seat when your mind starts to wander and smoking seems like a good option.

Will I Miss Smoking Forever?
The associations that we build up over time between the activities in our lives and smoking are closely knit. Once you quit smoking, your job becomes one of unraveling those smoking threads, or associations, one by one. How does that happen? And how long does it take?

Why Do People Relapse Years Later?
Every so often someone comes into the Smoking Cessation Forum who lost their quit after years of not smoking. On the surface, it is scary for those who are working hard to beat this addiction. On the surface, it looks like smoking is a nasty monster that follows us, waiting to pounce when we're least suspecting... That's not how it works though. Relapse never happens out of the blue, even though people often think it does.

Relapse Stories
Anatomy of a Smoking Relapse -- Leslie's Story
Junkie Thinking is a common facet of recovery from nicotine addiction that can easily trip us up, leading back to full-time smoking if we're not careful. Leslie's account illustrates this, as well as how years can go by before we're ready to attempt smoking cessation again.

My Relapse Story - From Loribelle
"So here's my crazy, honest and frequently embarrassing tale of cigarette addiction, recovery, and the power that comes from the journey. It's been a long and complicated process, but if you bear with me, I'm hoping you'll be able to see a bit of yourself in my struggle."

This email is written by:
Terry Martin
Smoking Cessation Guide
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Thursday, November 28, 2013

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