Monday, June 9, 2014

About Type 2 Diabetes: It's Heating Up - Are You Ready for Summer?

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Type 2 Diabetes

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From Barbie Cervoni, RD, CDE, your Guide to Type 2 Diabetes
Summer is almost here - time to swap out the winter clothes and fill up your calendar with parties, events and hopefully some relaxation time. Try not to preoccupy your time with worry about how you'll take care of your feet or manage your blood sugars this time of year. Even if you need to change your medicines it's ok - you've got the all the tools you need to stay in control. 
Diabetes and Foot Care for Summer

The weather is warming up which means bare feet and flip flops, right?  If you are someone with Type 2 diabetes, this can be more

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Podiatrist Can Help You Keep Your Feet Healthy
The American Diabetes Association recommends that all patients with diabetes receive an annual comprehensive foot more


Mealtime Insulin - Do You Need It?

 If you've had diabetes for a long time, you may notice that your treatment plan has changed over the duration of your diagnosis. The reason for this change is because Type 2 diabetes is a progressive more 

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Corn-Carbohydrate Content and Nutritional Value
Sweet corn is indicative of summer - most often it's a staple food at barbecues and outdoor cookouts. And rightfully so - not only is it delicious, it's good for you too. In fact, fresh sweet corn is rich more


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This newsletter is written by:
Barbie Cervoni, RD, CDE
Type 2 Diabetes Guide
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