Tuesday, June 24, 2014

About Smoking Cessation: Tips That Will Help You Make This Quit Successful

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Smoking Cessation

Health Risks

How to Quit

After Quitting

From Terry Martin, your Guide to Smoking Cessation

Hi all,

The new forum software is still waiting in the wings.  It's now scheduled for this week, but if it doesn't happen, don't be surprised.  One of these days, you'll log in and the forum will look all new.  When that occurs, look for a thread on navigation and start exploring!

Have a great week - make every day count.

7 Tips that will Help You Make This Quit Successful

My thoughts when I reached four years smoke-free:

"I had no idea then, but October 29th, 2001 was destined to be one of the top ten days of my entire life...the day I quit smoking, once and for all.

"And boy, can I remember that last cigarette! I sat smoking it at my kitchen table and stubbed it out at 10:10am. I had no real faith that this would be the quit for me, but I was going to try...again."

Cigarette Litter Facts That Will Surprise You
Used cigarette filters are full of toxins known as tar, and those chemicals leach into the ground and waterways, damaging living organisms that contact them. And, most filters are discarded with bits of tobacco still attached to them as well, further polluting our environment with nicotine.

How Smoking Robs Our Bodies of Essential Vitaimins
Nicotine withdrawal can put unhealthy thoughts of smoking into your head from time to time. Prepare yourself with knowledge of what to expect and how to beat junkie thinking down.
Search Related Topics:  antioxidants  nutrition  health risks of smoking

What is a Pack Year?
What is the formula for determining a pack year and how does it relate to you?

Related Searches
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Teen Smoking - Information for Teens and Their Families
The Dangers of Secondhand Smoke
Tobacco Related Disease Pictures
Tobacco Research and Reform - Information and Resources
Cigars, Pipes and Smokeless Tobacco


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This newsletter is written by:
Terry Martin
Smoking Cessation Guide
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