Tuesday, June 17, 2014

About Smoking Cessation: Embrace the Change!

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Smoking Cessation

Health Risks

How to Quit

After Quitting

From Terry Martin, your Guide to Smoking Cessation

Quitting tobacco takes work and perseverance, but remember that the discomforts are temporary in nature and better days...MUCH better days are ahead.

Please Note:  The About.com Smoking Cessation support forum is going through a redesign this week.  The top spotlight details the changes.

Have a great week, everyone.

Forum Redesign Coming June 18th
Our forum software provider has created a new platform for the About.com Smoking Cessation forum.  This thread explains the change that is coming.

Nicotine Withdrawal A to Z
Symptoms of nicotine withdrawal can and do include just about every physical and psychological discomfort that you can think of. How successful you are in managing this intense, though thankfully short-lived phase of smoking cessation depends in great part on your level of preparation.
Search Related Topics:  nicotine withdrawal  quit smoking tips 

30 Quotes about Change
Change is hard for most people, but usually brings benefits that improve our lives far beyond the discomforts experienced along the way.

4 Steps for Fighting the Urge to Smoke
Years of smoking taught us to react to literally everything by lighting a cigarette. When we were happy, we'd celebrate by lighting up. When we got angry, smoking would calm us down, or so we thought. Tired? Smoke a cigarette to stay awake. Hungry? Feed yourself a smoke. This list goes on and on.

Related Searches
Featured Articles
Stopping the Junkie in Your Head
Thank God I'm Free
How Do I Recover from a Smoking Relapse?
101 Things to Do Instead of Smoking
An Educated Quit is a Successful Quit
Patience With The Process


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This newsletter is written by:
Terry Martin
Smoking Cessation Guide
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