Saturday, April 9, 2016

Don't Wish Away Early Pregnancy

Look, early pregnancy is often not most people's favorite part of pregnancy. Between the morning sickness and weird cramping and other symptoms - it's simply not a fun period for most people, but that doesn't mean you should wish it away. Here's how to be productive and even enjoy those early months of pregnancy.


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Don't Wish Away Early Pregnancy

Look, early pregnancy is often not most people's favorite part of pregnancy. Between the morning sickness and weird cramping and other symptoms - it's simply not a fun period for most people, but that doesn't mean you should wish it away. Here's how to be productive and even enjoy those early months of pregnancy.


Robin Elise Weiss, PhD
Pregnancy & Childbirth Expert
Newly pregnant couple
You're Pregnant! Now What?  

Congratulations! You're pregnant! The pregnancy test is positive and the dust has settled - but what comes next? It's easy to feel overwhelmed or lost. Here's a guide.

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Couple in the park
5 Reasons to Take an Early Pregnancy Class  

An early pregnancy class is a great way to get the basics of pregnancy down and to understand what you can do to stay healthy in the other 6-7 months to go.

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Pregnant woman in hospital with nurse
How to Choose a Care Provider for Your Pregnancy  

One of the biggest decisions you will make will be where to get prenatal care. Even if you've seen an OB for pap smears, you might want to look around for prenatal care. Some women decide to see a midwife, some stay with their OB/GYN. You do have choices.

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Pregnant woman talking with doctor in exam room
Things to Get Done on Your First Trimester Checklist  

And, if you really just need a checklist, well, I've got this one right here for you to use in early pregnancy. It will certainly get you past the first few months.

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