Saturday, April 23, 2016

Don't Pick the Wrong Name for Your Baby

Picking a baby name is something that you should take seriously - it's very easy to make a mistake and chose a name that either doesn't fit your baby, or that, for whatever reason, you regret and have to live with for a very long time.

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Don't Pick the Wrong Name for Your Baby

Picking a baby name is something that you should take seriously - it's very easy to make a mistake and chose a name that either doesn't fit your baby, or that, for whatever reason, you regret and have to live with for a very long time.

Robin Elise Weiss, PhD
Pregnancy & Childbirth Expert
Newborn baby in blue
How to Choose the Right Name for Your Baby  
There is a right name, some people would claim more than one right name. Having name my kids, some the perfect name and some an acceptable name - I'd say that there is a difference.
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Mixed race mother nursing newborn baby
7 Things to Think About When it Comes to Nicknames for Your Baby  

Even looking past a given name, nicknames can also be something that either are a family tradition or just happen. Don't take it too lightly.

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couple looking at their newborn baby for the first time
5 Reasons to Wait Until Birth to Name Your Baby  
Perhaps you are waiting to lay eyes on your baby before you bestow a name on your little one - here's why that might be a good idea.
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Pregnant woman in bed reading a tablet
13 Baby Name Books Worth Checking Out  

Sometimes you just need a good place to start your search - here are some favorites when it comes to baby name books.

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