Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Spring Clean Your Sex Life

This time of year my inbox is littered with tips for spring cleaning.  I’m a bit of a neat freak (anal is a polite way of describing my need for order and organization) so I usually click these emails directly into the trash, but something caught my eye in a recent article by a fellow writer, and as I read through their tips on spring cleaning it became clear that they could just as well be writing about my sex life instead of my refrigerator.  Which brings us to this week’s newsletter.  Happy cleaning!  ~  Cory

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Spring Clean Your Sex Life

This time of year my inbox is littered with tips for spring cleaning.  I’m a bit of a neat freak (anal is a polite way of describing my need for order and organization) so I usually click these emails directly into the trash, but something caught my eye in a recent article by a fellow writer, and as I read through their tips on spring cleaning it became clear that they could just as well be writing about my sex life instead of my refrigerator.  Which brings us to this week’s newsletter.  Happy cleaning!  ~  Cory

Cory Silverberg
Sexuality Expert
Brown feather duster photographed on a pink background.
Spring Clean Your Sex Life  

Rubber gloves, knee pads, good music, and maybe someone to help out:  sex and spring cleaning have a lot in common.  In both cases, changing things up can feel like a chore, and things can get messier before they get cleaner.  But you might be pleasantly surprised by what you’ll find under those layers of dust.

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9 Ways to Make Sex More Spontaneous  

The pressure for sex to be spontaneous can ruin a perfectly good sex life.  It’s a myth that good sex should just happen.  Sex never “just happens” and often when it feels like it did, the sex isn’t what we want.  Here are 9 ways to bring more spontaneity to sex you really want.

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Sexual Resolutions Revisited  

You’re a third of the way through the year, so while the blooms are blooming, now may be a good time to take stock of what you wanted for yourself in January, and what you’re doing to get yourself there in April.

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Is My Porn Habit Ruining Sex with my Boyfriend?  
“I’m in my late twenties and I've been with my boyfriend for more than two years. I'm in love with him and attracted to him, and I think our relationship is pretty healthy. Lately, though, I've been having a hard time getting turned on. It's occurred to me that it's related to my watching porn.”


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