Monday, April 18, 2016

Things You Must Know if You Have Diabetes

If you have just been diagnosed with diabetes or have had it for a long time you may feel stressed with all of the information out there and how much you need to know to manage your disease. You may feel like you'll never get a grip, but don't worry too much, while there is always more to learn you can figure out the basics pretty quickly and easily. Things you should know from the get go is: how to receive the proper education, who are your reliable sources, what your blood sugar targets should be and what foods affect your blood sugars the most and how. 

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Things You Must Know if You Have Diabetes

If you have just been diagnosed with diabetes or have had it for a long time you may feel stressed with all of the information out there and how much you need to know to manage your disease. You may feel like you'll never get a grip, but don't worry too much, while there is always more to learn you can figure out the basics pretty quickly and easily. Things you should know from the get go is: how to receive the proper education, who are your reliable sources, what your blood sugar targets should be and what foods affect your blood sugars the most and how. 

Barbie Cervoni, RD, CDE
Type 2 Diabetes Expert
Diabetes Self Management Education and Support
Diabetes is a chronic disease that requires a person to practice daily self care activities, some of which can be complex and challenging without proper care and support. It is the position of The American Diabetes Association (ADA) that all individuals with diabetes receive DSME/S - Diabetes Self Management Education and Support - at diagnosis and as needed thereafter... 
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Certified Diabetes Educators Your Reliable Resource
If you are at risk for Type 2 diabetes or have Type 2 diabetes, you can benefit from seeing a Certified Diabetes Educator (or “CDE”). CDE’s are trained professionals, such as registered dietitians, nurses, pharmacists, or social workers that have comprehensive knowledge and experience in diabetes self management therapy, pre-diabetes, and diabetes prevention...
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Blood Sugar Targets
Studies suggest that people with diabetes who test their blood sugar may have lower HbA1c (3 month average of blood sugar). How often you test your blood sugar and what time you test your blood sugar should be individualized...
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How do Carbohydrates Affect Blood Sugar
Carbohydrates are a macronutrient that, when broken down, turns into sugar (glucose) and is used by the body as energy or fuel. Foods that contain carbohydrates impact blood sugars the most...
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