Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Epidural Add Ons in Labor

When you think about an epidural for labor, you probably don't think of everything that comes with it. So if you decide to use an epidural and all of this other equipment comes out - you might wonder if everything is okay. Here's a rundown of somethings that come with an epidural.

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Epidural Add Ons in Labor

When you think about an epidural for labor, you probably don't think of everything that comes with it. So if you decide to use an epidural and all of this other equipment comes out - you might wonder if everything is okay. Here's a rundown of somethings that come with an epidural.

Robin Elise Weiss, LCCE
Pregnancy & Childbirth Expert
A laboring mom getting an IV from a nurse.
IV Line in Labor  
An IV line is started before you get an epidural. This is to help give you IV fluids to prevent a drop in your blood pressure once the epidural medications are given. The line will stay in until after you have had the baby. This ensures that they can give you medication quickly in the event of an emergency.
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Laboring woman with external fetal monitoring
Fetal Monitoring for Labor  

An epidural can have potential risks to your baby, to help watch out for your baby, you will have continuous fetal monitoring after you get an epidural. This is to ensure that your baby's heart rate stays stable after the medications are given. Usually this is external monitoring, but sometimes internal fetal monitoring is needed.

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Pregnant Caucasian woman holding her belly in hospital
Pitocin to Speed Up Labor  

Sometimes labor slows down once you get an epidural, or simply it was slow before. Either way, using Pitocin, via your IV line, will help stimulate contractions. They may also offer to break your amniotic sac (bag of water). 

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Mom semi-sitting in labor with an epidural
How a Doula Helps With an Epidural  

Doulas help women with all kinds of births, including births where women want epidurals. That said, you might not know what a doula can do to help if you're planning to use an epidural for your labor.

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