Saturday, December 26, 2015

How to Make the New Year Perfectly Pregnant

If you are currently pregnant, or planning to be pregnant in 2016, you've got some planning to do. Whether you have the baby just days into the new year or not until moments before the ball drops in 2016, I'll give you some great advice on making the most of your pregnancy.

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How to Make the New Year Perfectly Pregnant

If you are currently pregnant, or planning to be pregnant in 2016, you've got some planning to do. Whether you have the baby just days into the new year or not until moments before the ball drops in 2016, I'll give you some great advice on making the most of your pregnancy.

Robin Elise Weiss, LCCE
Pregnancy & Childbirth Expert
Ultrasound photo and list
New Years Resolutions for Pregnant Women  
​Yes, even pregnant women can make New Year's resolutions. Here are some that are reasonable when you're expecting.
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New Year Baby
New Year's Baby Names  

Having a baby new New Year's and want to commemorate that?  I love studying up on baby names and meanings, here are some I've picked out for New Year's!

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The Mother of All Pregnancy Organizers
Pregnancy Planners to Guide You  
A pregnancy journal or organizer gives you space to record the memories of pregnancy. This can be through photos or journaling, often a combination of both. These books will help you organize your thoughts, medical notes, and more for reference in a future pregnancy or nostalgia.
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Anne Hathaway Pregnant and Expecting in 2016
Celebrity Babies Due in 2016  
Celebrity babies are fun to watch and wait for, much as we've enjoyed watching their parents in our favorite movies, music, and television shows. Who will have a baby in 2016?
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