Saturday, December 19, 2015

Your Ultrasound is Really Wrong

It's true. Ultrasounds are fallible. What you think is accurate may be an educated guess at best - what does that mean for your pregnancy? What can you do about it? Here are some things to keep in mind when planning. 
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Your Ultrasound is Really Wrong
It's true. Ultrasounds are fallible. What you think is accurate may be an educated guess at best - what does that mean for your pregnancy? What can you do about it? Here are some things to keep in mind when planning. 
Robin Elise Weiss, LCCE
Pregnancy & Childbirth Expert
Pregnant Woman Getting Ultrasound
5 Reasons Your Ultrasound is Not Good Enough  
If you are looking for why your ultrasound doesn't work well, here are some common culprits. 
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Pregnant woman with pink and blue shopping bags
Could the ultrasound be wrong about baby's sex?  
This is certainly something that you might not plan on, but you could waste some time and money here. 
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Ramzi's Method to Determine Sex of Baby  
Does a first trimester ultrasound accurately predict if you are having a girl or boy? This scientist says yes!
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Pregnant woman holding an ultrasound photo
Level II Ultrasound  
3D? 4D? 2D? What kind of ultrasound will you have and why? What you don't know does matter! 
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