Wednesday, December 30, 2015

2015: The Sexual Year In Review

Against all our efforts to make it so, time is not linear. It's important to mark time with rituals like New Years, but it's a mistake to confuse our need to make sense of something with the thing itself.  Which is one reason why the job of a sex educator can often feel absurd and Sisyphean.  

But I’m hardly immune from the desire to make sense and mark time (my  knees are making it impossible for me NOT to do that) and however you think about time, wherever you are, I hope that you are as safe as you can be and as near to love as possible. Two more days until there’s a whole new year to greet. ~  Cory
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2015: The Sexual Year In Review
Against all our efforts to make it so, time is not linear. It's important to mark time with rituals like New Years, but it's a mistake to confuse our need to make sense of something with the thing itself.  Which is one reason why the job of a sex educator can often feel absurd and Sisyphean.  

But I’m hardly immune from the desire to make sense and mark time (my  knees are making it impossible for me NOT to do that) and however you think about time, wherever you are, I hope that you are as safe as you can be and as near to love as possible. Two more days until there’s a whole new year to greet. ~  Cory
Cory Silverberg
Sexuality Expert
a small blue memorial candle is burning.
Sex and Gender Activists and Artists We Lost in 2015  
Each year I share the stories of some of the activists, educators, and artists who dedicated their lives to sexuality and gender.  These are people who don’t usually get the big obituaries, but we would do well to remember what they did when they were with us.
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Top Ten Sex Questions of 2015  
It’s a completely unscientific exercise but this time of year I like to look back and see which sex questions seemed to stick most with readers.   It’s a skewed sample, but for what it’s worth here are the most popular sex questions of 2015, follow the links to get the most popular answers.
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Writing Your Sexual Story  
When poet and philosopher George Santayana wrote that “those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” he probably wasn’t thinking about sex.  But I’d argue that it applies to our sex lives as much as anything, and while it might be uncomfortable or painful to look back, it’s hard to know how much past events are controlling you without thinking about them at least a little.
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Should the Past Stay There?  
I’m dating a girl I’m really into and think it could be serious. We’ve started talking about our sexual pasts and I almost told her about a few drunken fooling around situations with other guys. I’ve never told any of my girlfriends about it, but I’ve also never been this serious about a girlfriend before.


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