Monday, December 21, 2015

Use Your Glucose Meter as a Tracking Tool

Tracking tools can help us to gain information and stay motivated. If you have diabetes, your glucose meter can serve as a useful tracking tool. Use your meter to track high and low blood sugars and to pattern manage. You can even use it to help you lose weight. Find out more information on how to use your meter to the fullest here.  

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Use Your Glucose Meter as a Tracking Tool

Tracking tools can help us to gain information and stay motivated. If you have diabetes, your glucose meter can serve as a useful tracking tool. Use your meter to track high and low blood sugars and to pattern manage. You can even use it to help you lose weight. Find out more information on how to use your meter to the fullest here.  

Barbie Cervoni, RD, CDE
Type 2 Diabetes Expert
4 Benefits of Keeping a Log Book
Do you check your blood sugar every morning and see the same numbers over and over? Or perhaps you check it after dinner and it's never the same, but you just can't figure out why? Keeping a blood sugar log book can help you...
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Blood Sugar Monitoring Can Help Manage Hyperglycemia
Signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) include excess hunger, thirst, increased urination and fatigue. High blood sugar typically occurs because you have eaten too much carbohydrate, you do not have enough insulin, or the insulin you are making is not working properly. Elevated blood sugar means that your body is unable to use glucose for fuel. The body tries to rid the excess sugar in the urine, resulting in feelings of hunger and thirst...


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How to Prevent,Treat, and Confirm Low Blood Sugar
Have you ever felt shaky, sweaty, confused, or disorientated and then ate something and felt better? Perhaps your blood sugar was low, but you wouldn't know that for sure unless you checked...
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Blood Sugar Targets
Self monitoring blood sugars can help patients with Type 2 diabetes on insulin or oral agents evaluate their individual response to therapy and can be used as a tool for both the person and practitioner to make changes in diet, exercise, and medicines.
Studies suggest that people with diabetes who test their blood sugar may have lower HbA1c (3 month average of blood sugar)...
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