Wednesday, December 23, 2015

What Does Sexual Help Look Like?

Aside from the emails I get telling me I don't know what I'm talking about (less common than I expect) and the emails from people who like to make fun of my hair (more common than I could have ever imagined), the two kinds of emails I get the most are from folks either looking for some kind of sexual help, or looking to become a sexual helper.  In both cases, I'm struck by how hard it is for people who don't already work in sex, to know where to start.  

I shouldn't be surprised by this. Most of us aren't clear on the differences between a psychiatrist, a psychologist, and a therapist.  Throw a sexual specialty into the mix and it's something we talk about even less in school, in the media, and in our homes. 

So whether you're looking for information or support, or a career change, I hope you'll find something in this week's newsletter that you didn't already know.  ~  Cory
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What Does Sexual Help Look Like?
Aside from the emails I get telling me I don't know what I'm talking about (less common than I expect) and the emails from people who like to make fun of my hair (more common than I could have ever imagined), the two kinds of emails I get the most are from folks either looking for some kind of sexual help, or looking to become a sexual helper.  In both cases, I'm struck by how hard it is for people who don't already work in sex, to know where to start.  

I shouldn't be surprised by this. Most of us aren't clear on the differences between a psychiatrist, a psychologist, and a therapist.  Throw a sexual specialty into the mix and it's something we talk about even less in school, in the media, and in our homes. 

So whether you're looking for information or support, or a career change, I hope you'll find something in this week's newsletter that you didn't already know.  ~  Cory
Cory Silverberg
Sexuality Expert
the word job spelled out in scrabble letters
A Guide to Sexuality Helping Professions  
What's the difference between a sex therapist and sex educator? How about a sex researcher and sexologist? If you're looking for information or help, who should you talk to?  Is there a sex Ghostbusters? Find out here (spoiler alert:  there isn't a sex Ghostbusters).
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children's wooden blocks arranged to spell out the words sex education.
How Do I Become a Sex Educator?  
Anyone can call themselves a sex educator, and plenty of people without any education or training in sex education do.  So if you want to be a sex educator, and you aren't interested in faking it until you make it, where do you begin?
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a pair of fuzzy handcuffs on a white background
Is Sexual Surrogacy Legal?  
Sexual surrogates may, but don't always, have sex with their clients.  What makes that any different from sex work, and does using a different name give them a legal pass?


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What Training Do Sex Therapists Receive?  

What sorts of qualifications and credentials should you ask about when shopping around for a sex therapist?

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