Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Yes, You Can Quit Smoking!

For those of you who are getting ready to take the plunge and quit smoking on January 1st, congratulations! This week's newsletter will add to your knowledge base and be sure to check in with the support community at the About Smoking Cessation Forum. You'll have plenty of company as you embark on this new journey to freedom. 

Make 2016 the year you put nicotine addiction behind you for good!

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Yes, You Can Quit Smoking!

For those of you who are getting ready to take the plunge and quit smoking on January 1st, congratulations! This week's newsletter will add to your knowledge base and be sure to check in with the support community at the About Smoking Cessation Forum. You'll have plenty of company as you embark on this new journey to freedom. 

Make 2016 the year you put nicotine addiction behind you for good!

Terry Martin
Smoking Cessation Expert
January 1 circled on calendar with words quit smoking
12 Tips That Will Help You Quit Smoking for New Year's  
Learn about what it takes to quit smoking successfully and use that information to build a foundation for your quit program.
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Why Do I Dread Quitting So Much?  
All smokers are familiar with that gut-wrenching fear of quitting as their quit day approaches. Why does it happen and how to manage it?
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Why Making a List Might Be the Best Way to Quit Smoking  
Creating a detailed list of reasons why you want to quit smoking will help you solidify your resolve and begin to build the foundation for success.
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writing a to do list
Do These Things Before You Stop Smoking  
A little preparation goes a long way when it comes to smoking cessation. It puts you into the driver's seat when you quit smoking, and will help you get your mind geared up for the big day.
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Supplies to Stock Up On for Smoking Cessation  

The first several weeks of smoking cessation can be difficult. It's important to have things you can do to distract yourself in mind ahead of time..before the urge to smoke hits. A little preparation goes a long way.

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Weighing The Pros and Cons of Smoking  

Most smokers have a love/hate relationship with cigarettes. The pros and cons of cigarette smoking are explored by ex-smoker Zoe in this article.

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