Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Yoga for Dads (And Other Dudes)

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Yoga for Dads (And Other Dudes)
Let's celebrate the yoga dad. Chances are you know one. Your father, husband, yoga teacher, the man on the next mat over. Or maybe you know a guy who could really benefit from a little yoga in his life. Though the majority of yoga practitioners in the U.S. are women, there's definitely room to encourage men to join the fun. 
Ann Pizer
Yoga Expert
Yoga Gifts for Men
If you are shopping for a yoga dad this Father's Day, here are some great gift ideas. Yoga stuff is still pretty slanted toward female consumers, so it's exciting to find great things that are geared for men too. 
How to Take to Yoga Plunge When You're a Dude
I put this guide together for men who want to do yoga but feel some hesitation or don't know how to get started. It answers some of their basic questions (like do I have to be flexible) and offers encouragement to take the plunge. Forward it on to the yoga curious guys in your life!
Home With the Kids? Do Yoga!
School is out for summer (or will be soon) in many places, meaning that a lot of parents are having to adjust their schedules. If it seems like yoga is falling by the wayside, get your kids in on the action.
Should You Date Your Yoga Teacher?
Is your yoga teacher off limits when it comes to dating? It depends on a few factors. Advice columnist Aunt Yoga gives you her thoughts on the subject.
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