Wednesday, June 17, 2015

What Makes Queer Sex Queer?

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What Makes Queer Sex Queer?
It’s Pride Month and what better time to consider the highs and lows, twists and turns and curlicues of sexuality?  This week we look at what we mean by queer sex, I answer a question from a young gay man who is surprised by his lack of erections, and we visit a library full of labia.  We end with a consideration of the best sex you’ve ever had.  ~  Cory
Cory Silverberg
Sexuality Expert
What Is Queer Sex?
What I love most about this question is how it uncovers what might be a disturbing fact to many people:  we have no idea what any kind of sex is, really.   Of course what’s disturbing to some is exciting to others (and by others I really mean me).
Young, Gay, and Frustrated
"I am 22, gay, and I only recently started to have sex. There were so many factors contributing to me starting so late - according to friends, media and my ego - which were hindering but when I try something happens. I want to have sex so bad, and I will be really into a guy, but my penis will not get erect. I thought this was just a problem for older people or people who had health problems."
Checking Out the Labia Library
An online resource from the Australian organization Women’s Health Victoria offers a catalogue like no other.  Read an interview with Jessica Malone, the head librarian at the Labia Library.
What Is Optimal Sexuality?
What would happen if sex researchers and therapists stopped focusing only on what’s wrong with our sex lives and instead started researching those of us having amazing sex?  What would happen is a concept like optimal sexuality.
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