Monday, June 1, 2015

The Truth About Dieting with Diabetes

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The Truth About Dieting with Diabetes
Figuring out a diet that works for you can often be a difficult task. Today we are often faced with nutrition myths and unnecessary food restrictions and guidelines. If you have Type 2 diabetes or are trying to lose weight and diet you don't have to suffer in doing so. A diabetes diet is really an individualized healthy eating plan that we all would benefit from adopting - rich in non-starchy vegetables, fiber, lean protein and healthy fats and modified in carbohydrates. Find out more here...
Barbie Cervoni, RD, CDE
Type 2 Diabetes Expert
The Phrase "Diabetic Diet" is a Thing of the Past
There term diabetic diet is a thing of the past. Nowadays, people with diabetes do not have any strange food restrictions the way we once thought. It's not necessary to avoid fruit, eat zero carbohydrates or buy diet food. But...


Load up on Non-Starchy Vegetables

There is no denying that vegetables are healthy for us. Studies have shown that eating a diet rich in vegetables as part of an overall healthy diet can help reduce cardiovascular disease risk, cancer, Type 2 diabetes and obesity. A vegetable rich diet can also help to lower blood pressure.

Lose Weight and Improve Your Diabetes by Eating More Fiber

Fiber is the indigestible part of carbohydrate found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds. Fiber helps to keep you full, pull cholesterol away from your heart, promotes bowel regularity and...

Vegetarian Diet and Type 2 Diabetes

For people with Type 2 diabetes, following a vegetarian diet may seem a bit tricky because excluding animal products like meat, fish and fowl can limit protein options. While it may seem appropriate to eat a higher protein diet because they tend to be lower in carbohydrate, it is possible...

If I Have Type 2 Diabetes Can I Eat Fruit?

If you are someone with diabetes, you may think that you have to avoid fruit completely. Perhaps someone told you that you are not allowed to eat watermelon and bananas because they are too sweet? Guess what - you can tell them they were wrong. In fact, I discourage people with diabetes from omitting fruit from their diet...

Complex, Simple, Refined Carbohydrates - What Does it All Mean?
A healthy diet is essential for managing diabetes and losing weight. And there are certain foods that you need to choose carefully, particularly carbohydrates. But, this can be a confusing task. We are told to avoid simple carbs and refined ones, and choose complex ones, but what does that all mean?


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