Tuesday, August 5, 2014

About Smoking Cessation: How Quitting Smoking Has Changed Me

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Smoking Cessation

Health Risks

How to Quit

After Quitting

From Terry Martin, your Guide to Smoking Cessation

This week's top spotlight is on a topic that was recently discussed at the support forum here at About.com Smoking Cessation.  

Most of us go into our quit programs thinking that we'll simply quit smoking and get on with our lives.  What we don't realize is how much the recovery process will change us.  We come out on the other side of addiction stronger for the experience, and often, with a greater purpose in our lives. 

Have a good week, all.  Make it count! 

How Quitting Smoking Has Changed Me
Years of smoking ingrains behaviors and thought patterns that are more about addiction than they are about our true feelings and preferences.  Once we quit, we're often surprised  at the changes in attitude we experience regarding smoking and life, in general.

The Five D's - Tips That Will Help You Stay Quit
These 5 tips will help you quickly decipher and respond in a healthy way to smoking urges as they come up during nicotine withdrawal.

What You Can Do to Prepare to Quit Smoking
A little preparation goes a long way when it comes to smoking cessation. It puts you into the driver's seat when you quit smoking, and will help you get your mind geared up for the big day.

Nothing Works Unless You Do - Holly's Story
A member of the support forum here at About.com Smoking Cessation, Holly had some valuable tips to share about how to succeed with quitting tobacco when she reached a year smoke-free.

Related Searches
Featured Articles
Teen Smoking - Information for Teens and Their Families
The Dangers of Secondhand Smoke
Tobacco Related Disease Pictures
Tobacco Research and Reform - Information and Resources
Cigars, Pipes and Smokeless Tobacco


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This newsletter is written by:
Terry Martin
Smoking Cessation Guide
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