Wednesday, August 27, 2014

About Sexuality: World Sexual Health Day

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From Cory Silverberg, your Guide to Sexuality

Since 2012 the World Association for Sexual Health has been celebrating September 4th as World Sexual Health Day.  Each year they choose a theme and member organizations from more than 35 countries around the world organize events  to get people thinking about what sexual health means to them.   

I feel like the idea of health is a bit of a double edged sword.  I understand it's utility, but worry about the way the word carries the veneer of science when so often what is being put forth is about values and morality.  Also the way that health is used to police bodies seems counterproductive in the extreme.  So today I'm going to take note of every time I use the word health or healthy and when I do I'm going to take a few extra seconds to ask myself what I really mean when I'm using that word.  Do I mean happy?  Pleasurable?  Normal?  Ideal?  Boring?  And if healthy means some or all of these things, then why not use those words instead?  ~  Cory



How Will You Celebrate World Sexual Health Day?
This year's theme is "The Wellbeing of Sexuality."  I have to be honest and say I don't know what that means (are we celebrating the way sexuality fits into our sense of wellbeing, or simply that sexuality itself is feeling well?  in the latter case, I imagine sexuality kicking back in a lawn chair, fanning itself with palm leaves…).  Sometimes it's weird in my head.


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Declaration of Sexual Rights
In 1999 the World Association of Sexology and Sexual Health ratified this declaration in Hong Kong.  Today it continues to provide a starting point and a map for discussions of the meaning and scope of sexual rights.


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Defining Sexual Health by Morals: Sex Addiction Case Study

There is no question that some people struggle with their sexual behaviors.  This struggle can have an impact on a persons whole life, as well as the lives of people who love him.  But if you're curious to see how a small group of therapists and an opportunistic media can collude to create a health crisis in the absence of any real evidence, look no further than sex addiction.



Search Related Topics:  sex addiction  sex research  sex therapy

Is It Healthy to Watch Porn?

An reader writes:  "My boyfriend really likes to watch porn. I wouldn’t say he’s addicted or anything, and he wants us to watch together, but I’m not into it. We have a good sex life otherwise, and I want to figure out a way to make this okay, but some of my friends say that it’s not normal to watch porn when you’ve got a girlfriend, and even if it is, I don’t know how I can get into it."


Search Related Topics:  sex advice  pornography  sex industry

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Cory Silverberg
Sexuality Guide
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