Monday, August 18, 2014

About Pregnancy: 8 Times You Should NOT Announce Your Pregnancy

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From Robin Elise Weiss, LCCE, your Guide to Pregnancy
Couple with a pregnancy test

Photo © Paul Bradbury/OJO Images/Getty Images

8 Times You Should NOT Announce Your Pregnancy
Don't laugh but a pregnancy announcement is not always a welcome thing. Here are some guidelines to consider before making your big announcement.

Normal Fetal Heart Rate
Do you want to know what a normal heart rate is for your baby? Did you know it changes in pregnancy?
Search Related Topics:  fetal monitoring  doppler  ultrasound

Save Money on Maternity Clothes
Nice clothes don't have to cost you an arm and a leg while pregnant. Here are some great tips for buying stylish clothes.

When should you go to the hospital?
This is not the easiest thing to answer because there are a few variables. But, here's what you need to consider...
Search Related Topics:  timing contractions  hospital bag  postpartum

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Robin Elise Weiss, LCCE
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