Sunday, April 3, 2016

What the Greeks Got Right About Weight Loss

It's not often that a delicious dessert can speed weight loss, but here it is: Greek yogurt. It's high protein, satisfying, and it's full of healthy bacteria that might improve digestion and might even help you burn fat. But a bowl of plain, tart yogurt can be a little dull for some folks. That's why we've made this list of six ways to zazzle it up – whether you like things sweet or savory.
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Fit Life: What the Greeks Got Right About Weight Loss

It’s not often that a delicious dessert can speed weight loss, but here it is: Greek yogurt. It’s high protein, satisfying, and it’s full of healthy bacteria that improve digestion and might even help you burn fat

But a bowl of plain, tart yogurt can be a little dull for some folks. That’s why we’ve made this list of six ways to zazzle it up – whether you like things sweet or savory. 

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