Tuesday, September 15, 2015

What Stopping Smoking Has Taught Me About Myself - Rhona's Story

This week's spotlight goes to Rhona, a member of the About Smoking Cessation support forum. Her story details the positive changes smoking cessation has brought into her life, many of which were unexpected.

Have a great week, all.

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What Stopping Smoking Has Taught Me About Myself - Rhona's Story

This week's spotlight goes to Rhona, a member of the About Smoking Cessation support forum. Her story details the positive changes smoking cessation has brought into her life, many of which were unexpected.

Have a great week, all.

Terry Martin
Smoking Cessation Expert
What Stopping Smoking Has Taught Me About Myself  
Stopping smoking can bring some surprising changes into an ex-smoker's life, as Rhona details in her quit story, written at three months smoke-free.
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The Smoker in Our Heads  
Dealing with the smoker in our heads successfully during early cessation is a critical part of recovery from nicotine addiction.
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Don't Settle for Less in Your Life  
Nicotine addiction slowly eats away at self-esteem as the need to feed addiction takes hold, replacing free will with feelings of powerlessness.
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The Sneaky Reasons Behind Some Cigarette Additives  
Cigarette companies say most additives in cigarettes are used for flavor, but research shows many additives have other uses and effects on smokers.
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