Saturday, September 5, 2015

Think Hearing "You Have Cancer" is Bad? What about "You Have Two."

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Think Hearing "You Have Cancer" is Bad? What about "You Have Two."
Peter Edelstein, MD
Cancer Expert
Think Hearing "You Have Cancer" is Bad? What about "You Have Two."
About 40% of us will be diagnosed with a cancer during our lifetimes. But new patients must then make certain that they don't have TWO tumors.
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When it comes to the surgical treatment of a cancer, it's all about the individual human being who is performing the operation. Here's a guide.
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Not just patients, but many doctors fail to appreciate the signs & symptoms of colorectal cancer. Learn how the 2nd leading cancer killer presents.
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Understanding the "Liquid Tumors"
When most of us think of cancer, we envision a defined lump. But "liquid tumors" aren't usually solid, and their symptoms are vague.
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