Saturday, September 19, 2015

What Dad Should Pack for Labor

From packing for labor to the induction of labor, I have a couple of things you should read before you go to the hospital. I also am going to give you a tour of the first trimester, it's handy, even if you've had a previous baby. And finally, we'll talk about how Halloween pregnancy announcements are so fun!

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What Dad Should Pack for Labor

From packing for labor to the induction of labor, I have a couple of things you should read before you go to the hospital. I also am going to give you a tour of the first trimester, it's handy, even if you've had a previous baby. And finally, we'll talk about how Halloween pregnancy announcements are so fun!

Robin Elise Weiss, LCCE
Pregnancy & Childbirth Expert
Getting to the hospital to give birth
What Dad Should Pack for Labor  

Packing for labor is something that is often overlooked when you're talking about dad or partner. Here is a list of not only what to pack but how and when to pack it - something just for your partner.

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Woman on the electronic fetal monitor in labor
Induction of Labor  

About 25% of all labors are induced, that number climbs higher if you talk about speeding labors up. Here's the inside scoop and what you need to know before saying yes.

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Worried in Early Pregnancy
A Guide to the First Trimester  
Having a baby? Here's a guide to the exciting first weeks. What to eat, how to react to various symptoms, and much more!
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Baby Pumpkin Hat
Halloween Pregnancy Announcements  

Expecting a baby? If you just found out and you haven't told anyone yet - consider one of these fun Halloween pregnancy annoucenemtns. 

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