Thursday, March 13, 2014

About Sexuality: Choosing to Have Sex or Not

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Last week someone asked me the difference between celibacy, chastity, and abstinence.  As I tried to think through an answer I was struck by how much time educators spend thinking about the first choice to have sex, and how little time we spend thinking about each subsequent choice.  Every yes (or no) matters, and this week I begin to correct this imbalance on   ~  Cory


Choosing to Have Sex or Not
The way that most sex education addresses sexual choice you'd think that once you've made the decision to have sex for the first time everything afterward is smooth sailing.


Search Related Topics:  sexual choices  abstinence  celibacy

Aldous Huxley considered chastity to be "the most unnatural of all the sexual perversions" and St. Augustine wanted it, but not just yet.  An explanation of chastity then and now.


Search Related Topics:  sex definitions  abstinence  history of sexuality

There's something left out of the dictionary definition of celibacy.  It's ironic since it's the thing most of us understand as the thing that celibacy leaves us without.


Search Related Topics:  sex definitions  abstinence  sexual history

When I was young I used to think that the saying was "abstinence makes the heart grow fonder."  It tells you something about the kind of education I was exposed to, and just how carefully I was paying attention.


Search Related Topics:  sex definitions  abstinence 

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