Monday, March 31, 2014

About Weight Loss: Are You Eating Enough Protein to Lose Weight?

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Weight Loss

Healthy Eating & Diet



From Malia Frey, your Guide to Weight Loss
Protein is everywhere these days.  Food companies are adding it to breakfast cereals, beverages, and snack bars to make dieters feel healthier when they consume their foods.  But is eating more protein really better if you want to lose weight?  Actually the answer is no. You've got to eat the right amount of protein - no more, no less - to lose weight effectively.


How Much Protein Should I Eat to Lose Weight?
Ignore the fads and use solid research-backed guidelines to get the right amount of protein in your diet.  If you eat too much, it will be stored as fat. So be sure to check your number!
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How to Lose Weight with Lean Protein
Many successful dieters are learning how to lose weight with lean protein-based diets.  And research supports the trend.  But you should make sure you're getting protein from the best sources and eating the right amount.
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5 Ways to Eat More Protein and Lose Weight
You don't have to eat chicken breast at every meal to get enough protein in your diet. Find out how to find other foods with protein to make every meal delicious and well balanced - even dessert!

Boost Your Metabolism with Lean Protein
Researchers have found that dieters who eat more protein may be able to maintain a healthier metabolism over the long-term.  Find out why it works and how you can make it work for you.

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Even couch potatoes can be ready for a 5K with just a couple months of training. Read more...>

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This newsletter is written by:
Malia Frey
Weight Loss Guide
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Should You Drink Your Protein?
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In this issue: Men's health threats, allergy medications, job satisfaction, portion sizes and more.

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Vol. 15, Issue 16 | March 31, 2014
Men's health: Prevent the top threats
Many of the leading causes of death among men can be prevented. Here's what you need to know to live a longer, healthier life.
Allergy medications: Know your options  
Several types of medications are used to treat allergy symptoms. Find out which ones are likely to provide relief.
Gallbladder polyps: Can they be cancerous?
The size of gallbladder polyps can be a useful predictor of whether they're cancerous.
Asthma diet: Does what you eat make a difference?
Healthy eating habits may reduce asthma symptoms. Get the facts.
Job satisfaction: How to make work more rewarding
Hepatitis C and baby boomers
Managing your multiple sclerosis
Video: Uterine fibroids treatment: Focused ultrasound
Use our Symptom Checker to explore possible causes of your symptoms based upon Mayo Clinic's patient care experience.
Use these simple calculators and self-assessments for personalized health tips.
Calorie calculator
BMI calculator
Nutrition-wise: Get in the habit of paying attention to portion sizes
Want to get a handle on your weight? Start by understanding and controlling portion sizes.
Prevent age-related vision loss
Age-related eye conditions include farsightedness, glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration, eyelid problems and dry eyes. Preserve your vision and eyes by avoiding or slowing these problems. Mayo Clinic Guide to Better Vision can show you how. Learn more.
Spicy ground turkey tacos
Yellow pear and cherry tomato salad
Fruit salsa 'n' sweet chips
Want to lose weight? Eat more fiber
High-fiber foods generally take longer to chew. This gives your body time to register when you're no longer hungry, so you're less likely to overeat. And high-fiber foods tend to make you feel full longer, so you won't be as ravenous later. Finally, high-fiber foods tend to have fewer calories for the same volume of food. Choose whole grains and whole-grain products, fruits and vegetables, beans, peas and other legumes.
Need practical advice on diet and exercise? Want creative solutions for stress and other lifestyle issues? Discover even more healthy lifestyle topics at
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About Pregnancy: Things You Know From Baby Kicks

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Am I Pregnant?

Pregnancy Basics


From Robin Elise Weiss, LCCE, your Guide to Pregnancy
Things You Know From Baby Kicks
There are a lot of moms who use their baby's movements in utero as a way to try to define the baby's personality. Is there any proof to that? Read more
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Naming the Siblings
Naming one baby is hard for many people, but when you're expecting your second baby, you realize that you have to pick a name for another baby. This can... Read more
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How to Breastfeed
Breastfeeding is a natural process, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a learning curve. Come find out the few things you must know before baby arrives to help smooth your path... Read more
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Pregnancy Counters
The idea of using something visual to count up or down is nothing new. We use calendars and watches to watch the passage of time, but this is something that... Read more

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Run Your First 5K
Even couch potatoes can be ready for a 5K with just a couple months of training. Read more...>

Help! I'm Too Busy
Time and stress management tips to help you feel as though you have more time. Read more...>

This newsletter is written by:
Robin Elise Weiss, LCCE
Pregnancy Guide
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