Saturday, December 5, 2015

What's wrong with my pregnant belly?!?

Have you ever had one of those days where you just obsess over your belly? Is it too big? Is it too round? Does my baby move enough? Too much? These are normal things to wonder about and yet if you compare with others, they may have a completely different and yet normal experience.

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What's wrong with my pregnant belly?!?

Have you ever had one of those days where you just obsess over your belly? Is it too big? Is it too round? Does my baby move enough? Too much? These are normal things to wonder about and yet if you compare with others, they may have a completely different and yet normal experience.

Robin Elise Weiss, LCCE
Pregnancy & Childbirth Expert
Pregnant woman pointing to line on her belly
What Causes the Dark Line on Your Pregnant Belly?  
The dark line on your belly is not a zipper. Here's what you need to know about the line that can for on the belly of some pregnant women.
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3D Ultrasound - Fists - 30 Weeks
Wonder what the kicks tell you?  

Do you worry that your baby's movements are too frequent? Too few? Too hard? Here's a look at how to interpret baby kicks. 

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Two Women with Belly
Wonder what's going on in there?  

If you want to know about the external look of your belly, this is a great primer on why your belly is the shape it is and what's up with that!

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Pregnant woman holding belly
What's up with the belly?  

Got a question about when you'll show? That's a pretty common question. Here's the answer, along with lots of other quick questions and answers about your pregnancy.

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