Tuesday, October 28, 2014

About Yoga: Pose, Counter Pose

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Yoga Styles


Poses & Workouts

From Ann Pizer, your Guide to Yoga
The order in which you do yoga poses is pretty open to personal preference unless you are practicing a style of yoga with a set sequence. That said, there are some poses that naturally go together because one pose acts to counter balance the other. Here's a closer look.
Inversions Sequence

This sequence focuses on variations of headstand, shoulderstand, and fish pose. The order of the poses is important in keeping the neck safe from injury.

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How to Sequence Poses

 Advice columnist Aunt Yoga discusses the finer points of sequencing.

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Half Lord of the Fishes Pose - Ardha Matsyendrasana

Every twist deserves a counter twist.

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Yoga Anatomy Myth Busting

Anatomy expert Amy Matthews dispels the convention that you shouldn't hug your knees in between backbends, as well as several other myths.

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This newsletter is written by:
Ann Pizer
Yoga Guide
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