Tuesday, October 28, 2014

About Cholesterol: Phytosterols & Your Cholesterol

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From Jennifer Moll, PharmD , your Guide to Cholesterol

Phytosterols have been in the news over the past few years due to their health benefits. These healthy compounds - which are found in various supplements and foods - have also been noted to have a positive effect on your cholesterol levels.

Can Phytosterols Lower Cholesterol?

 This article will tell you a little bit more about phytosterols, where they are found, and which types of cholesterol they have been shown to lower.

How Do Phytosterols Lower Cholesterol?

 Phytosterols, also known as plant sterols, are cholesterol-like molecules found in a variety of foods. Recent research suggests that phytosterols are a heart-healthy ingredient to add to your diet, but how do they work?

What Quantity of Phytosterols Do I Need Daily to Lower My LDL?

 There isn't a fixed amount of phytosterol-containing foods you should consume each daily, but there are studies that reveal quantity of phytosterols that appears to help lower certain types of lipids the most.

Phytosterol Supplements v. Foods: Which Should You Use to Lower Cholesterol?

 Many nutritious foods contain phytosterols, but it may be a little more tempting -- and easier -- to take a supplement. Which is better -- using phytosterol supplements or foods containing phytosterols when it comes to lowering cholesterol?

Related Searches
Featured Articles
Are There Any Side Effects with Using Phytosterol Supplements?
Ways to Include Phytosterols in Your Cholesterol-Lowering Diet
Where Can I Find Phytosterols to Lower My Cholesterol?
Which Foods Contain the Highest Amount of Phytosterols?
Lunch Salads Containing Phytosterols
Cholesterol-Friendly, Phytosterol Snacks With Peanut Butter


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This newsletter is written by:
Jennifer Moll, PharmD
Cholesterol Guide
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What Is High Cholesterol?
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