Monday, October 13, 2014

About Type 2 Diabetes: Lose Weight Today; Don't Wait Until Tomorrow

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From Barbie Cervoni, RD, CDE, your Guide to Type 2 Diabetes
Losing weight can seem like a daunting task, but weight doesn't have to come off fast in order to achieve healthy weight loss. In fact, slow and steady weight loss is more beneficial because the results are likely to be long lasting. The key to losing weight is finding your inner motivation and sticking with it. Finding a workout buddy, eliminating a choice from your meal plan or eating a balanced breakfast are great ways to get started. Simple changes can make a big impact. Read on and get started today!
5 Ways to Use Meal Replacements for Weight Loss
Meal replacements are calorie and portion controlled beverages or food items, such as bars or shakes, that can be used as a substitution for more 
Search Related Topics:  weight loss  weight loss ideas  diabetes and obesity

Another Reason to Eat Breakfast

Recent studies suggest that starting your day with a with a larger, higher fat, and higher protein breakfast can help to control blood sugar and aid in weight loss in people with Type 2 more

Search Related Topics:  low carb diets  diabetes nutrition  weight loss

Simple and Realistic Tips for Weight Loss
Rapid weight loss might seem like the way to go, but odds are losing weight at a rapid pace won't be long lasting. The American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends losing 1-2lbs per week. To do more

Snack to Your Advantage
The definition of a snack is: "a small bit of food between meals." This begs the question - what constitutes a small bit of food? Snacking with Type 2 diabetes can be especially tricky because not only are you managing calories for weight more 
Search Related Topics:  nutrition and diabetes  hypoglycemia  healthy snacks

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This newsletter is written by:
Barbie Cervoni, RD, CDE
Type 2 Diabetes Guide
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