Monday, September 1, 2014

About Type 2 Diabetes: Happy Labor Day: What' New?

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Type 2 Diabetes

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Daily Life

From Barbie Cervoni, RD, CDE, your Guide to Type 2 Diabetes
Happy Labor Day everyone. Wishing you all a wonderful and relaxing day spent doing whatever it is that makes you happy. For your reading pleasure, I have taken the liberty of filling you in on what's new in my neck of the woods...Enjoy!


Type 2 Diabetes and Insulin Pumps
Typically, patients with Type 1 diabetes use insulin pumps. But, there are some instances in which a pump is an option for someone with Type 2 diabetes as well. Research suggests that insulin pumps are useful for Type 2 diabetes patients with severe insulin more
Search Related Topics:  insulin  insulin pumps  managing type 2 diabetes

Tools and Devices to Help with Needle Fear
Do you simply hate testing your sugar or injecting insulin because the thought of using another needle is unbearable? You are not more

Dietary Fiber - Essential for a Diabetes Diet
I am sure that you've been instructed at some point to eat a high fiber diet, but perhaps you are not sure why or how. Fiber is the indigestible part of carbohydrate found more

Take a Safe Mini-Break from Your Diabetes Today
It's ok to take a "mini" break from your diabetes - have dessert, relax poolside and sip a cold beverage, more

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This newsletter is written by:
Barbie Cervoni, RD, CDE
Type 2 Diabetes Guide
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