Monday, May 5, 2014

About Pregnancy: Choosing the Sex of Your Baby

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Pregnancy Basics


From Robin Elise Weiss, LCCE, your Guide to Pregnancy
Early Pregnancy Boy or Girl?

Photo © The Image Bank/Getty Images

Choosing the Sex of Your Baby
Did you know that it is possible to decide if you'll have a boy or girl before you even get pregnant? Some of the methods are old wives tales, other have some science behind it (even low tech methods), and other involve a lot of... Read more
Search Related Topics:  girl or boy  old wives tales  ultrasounds

5 Ways to Cope with Pregnancy Insomnia
Does pregnancy cause you to have trouble falling asleep? Many moms report both trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. What are you dealing with in this pregnancy? Read more
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How and When to Take Prenatal Vitamins
Did you know that there are prenatal vitamin options?  Some women believe that the one that they were given a prescription for is the end all be all, and that's not true. Many women have trouble with various prenatals. Do you? Read more
Search Related Topics:  anemia  folic acid  birth defects

Fetal Kick Counts
Fetal kick counts are something that you can do to help monitor your baby's well-being at home between prenatal appointments. Has your doctor or midwife asked you to do them? Read more
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Robin Elise Weiss, LCCE
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