Tuesday, February 18, 2014

About Yoga: Get Relief From Your Pain

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Poses & Workouts

A look at how yoga can help relieve low back pain, sciatica, and arthritis.

5 Essential Lower Back Stretches

Winter can be hard on your back. If you've been shoveling snow, skiing, or slipping on the icy sidewalk, your back will thank you for these five lumbar stretches. Do them regularly to maintain your healthy spine. 

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Yoga Stretches for Sciatica

Eight yoga positions that are comparable to stretches recommended by physical therapists for sciatic nerve pain. 

Search Related Topics:  sciatica  hamstring stretches  yoga for back pain

How to Start Yoga With Arthritis

Most arthritic joints benefit from regular, low-impact exercise, which can decrease pain and improve mobility. 

Knees, Chest, Chin + Chaturanga
Since I left you guys hanging in plank pose for a week, I'm sure you're ready to lower to the floor. The question is, how are you going to get there? There are basically two options. Knees, chest, and chin is a perfect description of the first option, since those are the parts of your body (plus your toes) that are touching the floor in this pose. If you're going that route, drop your knees first, then lower the chest and chin while bending your elbows straight back and keeping your butt up in the air.

If you're going for chaturanga, take time before you lower to roll your weight forward into the balls of your feet. This is going to put your shoulders in a much better position to prevent injury. Stop lowering when your upper arms are parallel to the floor. If you're not quite ready for the full pose, you can split the difference by bringing your knees down and then doing chaturanga from there.

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Ann Pizer
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