Tuesday, December 10, 2013

About Yoga: Meditation for at Home for Beginners

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From Ann Pizer, your Guide to Yoga

I know from experience that starting a yoga practice can be intimidating. The same definitely goes for meditation. Even those of us who are comfortable with yoga may not know how to start meditating. My advice for beginners is to keep it simple.

Meditation for Beginners
Establishing a regular meditation practice at home is a great way to relieve stress. Here's how to get started, step by step.
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Yoga Nidra
If you'd prefer a led meditation method, look into yoga nidra, which can be done at home with audio guidance.
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Warm Up for Meditation
You may want to do a little warm up sequence before meditating. These poses will get you ready to sit.
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Pose of the Week: Flowing Cobra - Sahaja Bhujangasana
When I took a class with Shiva Rea at Wanderlust Austin recently, she taught her flowing version of cobra pose, which she calls sahaja bhujangasana. There's no exact methodology here, since the idea is to move in your own way. Starting in a low cobra (pictured), begin to roll your shoulders back one at a time as you slowing straighten your arms. You can move up and down, side to side, try making figure eights with your shoulders. Do whatever feels good to you. It's a really nice way to get some movement into your shoulders and spine.
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Ann Pizer
Yoga Guide
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