Tuesday, December 10, 2013

About Smoking Cessation: 10 Quit Stories to Inspire You

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Smoking Cessation

Health Risks

How to Quit

After Quitting

From Terry Martin, your Guide to Smoking Cessation

The stories of how others have beat nicotine addiction give us a road map to follow on our own path to recovery.

Take your quit program one day at a time and make sure you do things daily to relax and rejuvenate -  especially during the busy holiday season that is upon us!

Have a great week, all.


10 Quit Stories to Inspire You
There is no better teacher than the voice of experience, and when it comes to quitting tobacco, members of the About.com Smoking Cessation forum have valuable insights to share. 10... Read more

Don't Settle for Less in Your Life
Smoking is a way of settling for so much less than we deserve. It's self-destructive behavior, and that tends to trickle down into other areas of our lives. Don't... Read more

8 Common Symptoms of Nicotine Withdrawal
From fatigue to insomnia to cravings for cigarettes and food, nicotine withdrawal is an intense phase of smoking cessation that we all have to go through to get through. 8 Common... Read more

Your First Smoke-Free Weekend
For those of us who work Monday through Friday, the weekend represents a time to relax, and for smokers, that is strongly associated with lighting up. Your First Smoke-Free... Read more

Related Searches
Featured Articles
How Smoking Affects Your Health
Teen Smoking - Information for Teens and Their Families
The Dangers of Secondhand Smoke
Tobacco Related Disease Pictures
Tobacco Research and Reform - Information and Resources
Cigars, Pipes and Smokeless Tobacco


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This newsletter is written by:
Terry Martin
Smoking Cessation Guide
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Must Reads
Quit Aids
20 Holiday Stress Tips
Smoke-Free Holiday Party Tips
10 Things to Avoid When You Quit
Your First Smoke-Free Holiday Season
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