Sunday, December 15, 2013

About Type 2 Diabetes: What's New

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Type 2 Diabetes

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Daily Life

From Barbie Cervoni, MS, RD, CD/N, CDE, your Guide to Type 2 Diabetes

Eat Right and Enjoy the Holidays

It's difficult to stick to a strict meal plan during the holiday season. But, there are ways to find a good balance if you have the tools to conquer your table...Read more

Can I Have a Drink?
Chances are you will be attending a party or two in the next couple of weeks. Assuming that alcohol will be served, you'll want to know what to do. Moderate alcohol consumption can be beneficial, but consume wisely... Read more

Fight Illness Without Complications
It's the end of the year - time for deadlines, quotas and evaluations. Feeling stressed? Stress can increase your risk of getting sick. Being sick with diabetes is a bummer, but if you are equipped with the right tools...  Read more

It's Never to Cold to Exercise
Are you one of the millions of people affected by the winter weather advisory? Get creative with your exercise regimen to prevent winter weight gain. Exercise in the cold weather without getting cold... Read more
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Run Your First 5K
Even couch potatoes can be ready for a 5K with just a couple months of training. Read more...>

Help! I'm Too Busy
Time and stress management tips to help you feel as though you have more time. Read more...>

This newsletter is written by:
Barbie Cervoni, MS, RD, CD/N, CDE
Type 2 Diabetes Guide
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Must Reads
What is Diabetes?
Symptoms of Diabetes
Diagnosis of Diabetes
Diabetes Treatments Overview
Diabetes Post Surgery Concerns
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