Sunday, December 22, 2013

About Breast Cancer: New Beginnings

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Breast Cancer

Symptoms / Diagnosis


Daily Life

Hello!  I am delighted to be joining the ranks of and writing for those of you interested in reading about breast cancer.  Follow my blog for regular updates on risk factors that increase or decrease your risk of disease.  Feel free to email me at with any topics you would like to see covered.

Bidding Pam a Fond Farewell
In our last newsletter, Pam Stephan's regrettably said goodbye to as her time is now spent caring for her father.  In Pam's own words, "time is precious" and the time she devoted to this site is exactly that.  Please join me in thanking Pam for over 7 years of wonderful authorship and advice.  Read more

Don't wait til the New Year to start eating healthy!
Now might be the best time to start that New Year’s resolution: to eat a healthier diet!  According to a study conducted by the National Institutes of Health, Americans gain more weight during the holiday season than at any other time of year and they keep the weight on for decades to follow.  As you prepare meals to enjoy with family and friends this holiday season, consider tasty yet healthy cancer fighting foods.  Have an extra serving of cranberry and walnut salad!  Choose organic meats.  Or, perhaps choose natural sweeteners when making those pies and bread pudding.

An un-jolly holiday season?

The holiday season is not a joyous time of year for everyone. Although for some, this time of year brings joy, family togetherness, and good memories; for others, it signifies undue anticipation, unrealistic expectations, and disappointment.  Know your risk for stress and depression and be prepared to reduce the undesirable aspects in your life with diet, exercise, and kindness.

Take a hike... no, really!

Whether it's walking, gardening, jogging, house cleaning, or other recreational exercise - an hour a day will do you good.   Lace up your sneakers or pull on your boots and go for a walk. If you go for an hour's brisk walk every day, researchers say that your risk for developing breast cancer is 25% lower than the average lifetime risk.

Search Related Topics:  breast cancer  exercise  walking

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What is Breast Cancer?
Fruit Smoothies - Quick Ways to Add Fruit Fiber to Your Diet
Breast Cancer Pain: Symptoms and Statistics
Flaxseeds: A Humble But Powerful Cancer-Fighting Grain
Coping With Stress During Breast Cancer
Decode Medical Terms - Breast Cancer Glossary


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This newsletter is written by:
Courtney Preusse
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New York, NY, 10036

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Must Reads
What is Breast Cancer?
Symptoms of Breast Cancer
Diagnosis of Breast Cancer
Treatments for Breast Cancer
Preventing Breast Cancer


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