Tuesday, July 7, 2015

What NOT to Say To Someone Quitting Smoking

New ex-smokers are usually a bit fragile emotionally early on in smoking cessation.  And even later, when they start to gain some steam with cessation, they still need support.  This week's lead article offers insight into how to best support the ex-smoker in your life.

Have a great week, all.
Join us at the About.com Smoking Cessation support forum.

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What's new in Smoking Cessation

New ex-smokers are usually a bit fragile emotionally early on in smoking cessation.  And even later, when they start to gain some steam with cessation, they still need support.  This week's lead article offers insight into how to best support the ex-smoker in your life.

Have a great week, all.
Join us at the About.com Smoking Cessation support forum.

Terry Martin
Smoking Cessation Expert
What Not To Say to Someone Who Just Quit Smoking  
Support of friends and family is key for people who have quit smoking. Avoid making these negative comments to the ex-smoker in your life.
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The Five D's - Tips That Will Help You Stay Quit  
These 5 tips will help you quickly decipher and respond in a healthy way to smoking urges as they come up during nicotine withdrawal.
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8 Common Symptoms of Nicotine Withdrawal  
Nicotine withdrawal causes a variety of physical (and mental) symptoms. Eight of the most common discomforts are reviewed, with tips to manage them.
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How Exercise Makes it Easier to Not Smoke  
Exercise has a number of benefits for people who have quit smoking, including reducing smoking urges during nicotine withdrawal.
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