Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Hey, What Are You Looking At?

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Hey, What Are You Looking At?

 It’s a simple question.  But its meaning changes with tone and emphasis.  Is it a threat? Is it a come on?  Is it a plea to be left alone?   This week we explore the many ways we look and see ourselves and others as sexual beings.   ~ Cory

Cory Silverberg
Sexuality Expert
I'm Looking at Myself…

 None of us are born hating our bodies.  It's something we learn to do.  The good news is that we can do something about that after the fact.

…And I Touch Myself

 Which means we can also learn to feel differently about our bodies.  Here's one piece of homework you (hopefully) won't mind doing.

I'm Looking at You

 There’s nothing like being lusted after. While sexual objectification can be a terrible thing when it is unwanted and intrusive, knowing that the mere sight or touch of our body can drive our partners to lusty distraction can be an enormous aphrodisiac (and a great ego boost). 

I'm Looking at Porn

 An reader wonders whether her porn watching is getting in the way of her sex having.


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FDA: Your Gay Blood Isn't Wanted Here
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