Wednesday, May 20, 2015

More Joy, Less Frustration

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More Joy, Less Frustration

I'm not sure what sexuality would be without friction; be it social, spiritual, emotional, or physical.  But there's a difference between friction and frustration.  This week's newsletter features two questions from readers who are looking for a little more friction and a little less frustration, plus two tips to help you get there, whether alone or with a partner.  Got questions of your own?  I do my best to respond to all my email, and if I use your question online I always remove any identifiable information.  ~  Cory

Cory Silverberg
Sexuality Expert
How Do I Make Masturbation More Enjoyable?
An reader writes:
"Get ready for some embarrassing/personal stuff.   First off, I am single and want to be that way. I do not want to have sex outside of marriage. Second, I cannot feel my vagina. Third, I have been really horny lately. And, although my religion forbids it, I have been trying to masturbate a lot. Without any sensation "down there", I really do not get any pleasure out of it.   Basically I have a lot of sexual tension but no healthy way of releasing it. Do you have any recommendations? How can I make my masturbation more enjoyable?"
Sexually Frustrated and Morally Confused
"I have been with the most wonderful man for over 15 years. I love my husband and have no desire to leave him. However, he is the only person I have ever had sex with. Even though I have always known that we do not have great sexual chemistry, I have lived with it because he is wonderful in so many other ways. I am getting older and feeling bitter and cheated out of one of life's greatest experiences. Despite my many attempts to improve our sex life, he shows very little interest. I just don't know what to do."
Sex Tips for the Rest of Us - Stop and Go Sex Play
A playful way to teach your partner what kinds of sexual touch you like, and what kinds you’re not so hot on.
Mapping Your Own Sexual Anatomy
I wouldn’t recommend using actual pins (unless you’re into that and have the safer sex know how to do it) but discovering your own erotic topography is one of the best ways to help a partner find the hills and valleys that lead to the buried treasure, or pot of gold, or insert some other silly metaphor for pleasure here.
Meet Gertrude "Ma" Rainey, Mother of the Blues and Lover of Women
Why Learning "Communication Skills" May Not Help Your Relationship
10 Lesbians Who Made History
Is Your Spouse Crazy Or, Are You Suppressing Your Feelings?
Mel Brooks and Anne Bancroft Were Together for 41 Years
Warning! Here Are 5 Types of Friendships to Avoid
Why Is Spring the Time to Make Your Move?
Shockingly Simple Marriage Hacks That Will Improve Your Relationship
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