Monday, May 25, 2015

Balance Out This Memorial Day Weekend Eating with These Tips

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Balance Out This Memorial Day Weekend Eating with These Tips
Heading out for one last barbecue or party today? Bring a healthy appetizer or get in a good workout beforehand to balance the weekends eating. Get some recipe and workout ideas. Monday is always a great day to make a fresh start...
Barbie Cervoni, RD, CDE
Type 2 Diabetes Expert
5 Fun Outdoor Exercises that Don't Feel Like Exercise
One of the most common complaints about exercise is that people don't have the time to do it. Interestingly, I have found that once a person finds an activity theylove, they make the time to do it regardless of how difficult it is to fit into their schedule. Regular exercise has countless benefits...


Best Trackers, Devices and Apps for Exercising with Diabetes
Getting active and sticking to it can be tough. Oftentimes using a fitness tool can increase motivation. Find out which trackers, apps and devices are best if you have diabetes and get exercising today...
Best Barbecue Bites and Beverages for Diabetes
Memorial Day is a wonderful time to get together with family and friends and kick off the summer season with a festive barbecue. If you are someone with Type 2 diabetes, though, you may be dreading the affair because of the temptation to indulge. The good news is that you can enjoy your family barbecue without having your diabetes spiral out of control...


5 Vegetable Based Appetizers to Kick off Memorial Day
Vegetable based appetizers can reduce overall calorie intake, increase vitamins, minerals and fiber and will not cause blood sugars to soar. Check out these nutritious and delicious vegetable based appetizers...
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