Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Crunch Time With a Yoga Twist + Body Parts You Didn't Know You Had

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Crunch Time With a Yoga Twist + Body Parts You Didn't Know You Had
Not so very long ago, I thought that the best way to build strength for yoga was doing more yoga. It's actually a method that served me well for many years, so I'll continue to stand behind it as an option. However, when I started doing exercises that target the core on a regular basis, I noticed a difference in my yoga practice pretty quickly. I feel more supported in balancing postures of all kinds. Want to see what I mean? Incorporate the following crunch variations into your routine.


Ann Pizer
Yoga Expert
Yoga Crunch Alternatives
Traditional crunches isolate the abdominal muscles, but yoga crunches take a more holistic approach, requiring more muscles groups for an overall strengthening effect that will help you get into those arm balances and inversions. Here are step-by-step instruction for abdominal work that includes the legs and twists.
10 Yoga Poses for the Psoas
Your psoas is a bilateral deep core muscle that you may not even be aware of. The psoas becomes tight when we spend a lot of time sitting at desks and in cars. A tight psoas leads to a weak core, which can cause back pain and other muscular-skeletal problems. 
5 Body Parts You Didn't Know You Had
If you glazed over when I said psoas, check out the remaining four body parts you didn't know you had until yoga brought them to your attention.


Yoga and Muscle Soreness
Stretching a lot of muscles you didn't know you had can make you sore in the oddest places. See what you can do to ease the pain.


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