Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Exploring the Gentler Side

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Exploring the Gentler Side
Yoga classes can run the gamut from a sweat-drenching workout to a relaxing session of stretching, breath work, and meditation. The later, often described as gentle yoga, may not get a lot of press but it has enduring appeal. 
Ann Pizer
Yoga Expert
What Is Gentle Yoga?
If you've ever wondered what a gentle yoga class is like, here's your answer, plus recommendations for gentle styles to try. Even if you're a die hard fan of sweaty vinyasa, there may be a place for a slower paced class in your routine. 
How to Start Meditating

What if your yoga practice was sitting still for 10 minutes with a clear mind? Would that be more or less challenging than 90 minutes of flow? Try it and find out. 

Starting Yoga in Your Golden Years

Yoga is absolutely not only for the young. It's a really great way for older people to stay strong and flexible. Classes just for seniors are becoming more widely available and are a good place to start.

Viniyoga Fits Your Needs
I didn't include Viniyoga in my list of gentle styles because it's intended to be very specific to each individual student. That is, if you need it to be gentle it can be, or it could be vigorous for someone else. Check it out!
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