Tuesday, April 28, 2015

6 Surprising Hookah Facts

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6 Surprising Hookah Facts

 A lot of people think hookah is a safe way to smoke tobacco.  This week's lead article offers some surprising facts about this smoking alternative.

Have a great week, all.
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Terry Martin
Smoking Cessation Expert
6 Facts About Hookah That Will Make You Avoid It
These facts will open your eyes about the dangers associated with hookah tobacco, a smoking alternative that is often thought of as safe.
The Sneaky Reasons Behind Some Cigarette Additives
Cigarette companies say most additives in cigarettes are used for flavor, but research shows many additives have other uses and effects on smokers.
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Early cessation takes vigilance because thoughts of smoking can bring on a relapse if we're not careful. Use these tips to keep your quit safe.
Will I Always Miss Smoking?
When we quit smoking, it can seem as though we'll never get free of the chains that link us to our habit. How long does it take?
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