Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Can Taking Supplements Keep Your Cholesterol Levels Healthy?

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Can Taking Supplements Keep Your Cholesterol Levels Healthy?

You've seen them in the aisles while shopping at the grocery store. You may even have been tempted to try one of them. Supplements that claim to help lower your cholesterol seem to be everywhere these days, but do they really work?

Jennifer Moll, PharmD
Cholesterol Expert
Can Guggul Lower Cholesterol?

Guggul has been used in Indian Ayurvedic medicine for centuries to treat obesity, osteoarthritis, and some skin conditions. Recently, research has suggested that guggul also may lower total cholesterol levels.

Phytosterol Supplements v. Foods: Which Should You Use?
Phytosterols have been widely advertised for their ability to lower your LDL - but are supplements just as effective as obtaining them in your diet?
Do All Fiber Supplements Lower Cholesterol Levels?

 Some studies indicate that not all fiber supplements may be effective in keeping your cholesterol levels healthy.

Is Chitosan an Effective Low Cholesterol Supplement?

Chitosan has been mostly promoted as a weight loss product, but there a few studies that suggest that it can also affect your lipids. Is chitosan worth your money if you are wanting to lower your cholesterol?

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