Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Tangy Roasted Chicken Drumsticks

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From Fiona Haynes, your Guide to Low Fat Cooking
Granted, chicken drumsticks are not as lean as chicken breasts, but it's nice to change things up a bit and have a little dark meat from time to time.


Tangy Roasted Chicken Drumsticks
We all know that chicken breasts tend to be the meat of choice for most people eating low fat, but don't deprive yourself entirely of the juicier drumsticks. Chicken drumsticks are an excellent source of relatively lean protein, and because the meat is rich, you don't need to eat as much of it. Keep the skin on while you cook these drumsticks, but by all means remove it before eating.

Low Fat Does Not Mean More Sugar
The reason people don't lose weight when they eat low fat is because they replace those lost calories with something that's just as likely to cause them problems -- sugar. It doesn't have to be that way.
Search Related Topics:  healthy eating  low fat diets  dietary fats

A Low Fat Menu for Valentine's Day
Cook a simple but special low fat dinner for your Valentine instead of eating a high-fat, high calorie meal at an expensive restaurant. It’s well known that it’s easier to cook low fat at home than it is to eat low fat at many restaurants


Search Related Topics:  valentine's day recipes 

Chocolate's Dark Secret

 Nothing beats a good piece of chocolate. It’s rich, smooth, creamy and makes us feel good, until the guilt sets in. Chocolate’s mood-enhancing qualities are an obvious reason why it is so strongly associated with Valentine’s Day, as a gift for lovers and loved ones.

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Fiona Haynes
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