Tuesday, February 24, 2015

See Ya Later, Smokes

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See Ya Later, Smokes

About.com Smoking Cessation Forum members have contributed personal accounts of the psychological healing that smoking cessation brings in the form of goodbye letters. Please read them and take the message to heart: nicotine addiction is like a relationship of the worst kind -- destructive and enslaving.

Have a great week all.

Join us at the About.com Smoking Cessation Support Forum

I Will Survive! - Liz' Goodbye
From Liz:  "I'm writing you a letter that I may never send. You see, I can't have any contact with you right now. When I said goodbye, I meant it. But there are times when the thought of you is overwhelming. And so I think it will help for me to be completely honest with myself."
My Darling...Shawn's Goodbye to Smoking
From Shawn:  "How can I express what you've meant to me these many years? The bond we've shared has been stronger than any other in my life. You were always there for me when I was alone..."
Goodbye to Your Stinking Lies - Jamie's Story
Jamie's goodbye letter, while unique to her personal experience, touches on the enslavement anyone who has been addicted to nicotine is familiar with
I Used to Think Cigarettes Were My Friend
From Stuart:  "I used to think you were my friend. I know now that you are not. For years you have lied to me, telling me you want what is best for me. You promised to relax me when I was tense. You promised to make me alert when I was tired. You promised to console me when I was sad...you know all the promises you made. And, sucker that I was, I believed you."
Forum: Welcome February Ex-Smokers
Forum: 6 Months Smoke-free for Linda
Forum: Homework for New Ex-Smokers
All of the Things I Couldn't Have Done as a Smoker - CM's Story
Nicotine Withdrawal A to Z
Will I Always Miss Smoking?
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