Tuesday, January 27, 2015

About Yoga: Snow Day Yoga!

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Snow Day Yoga!

Even if you're not dealing with a major winter blizzard, chances are you've been kept in by the weather on occasion and could have used some ideas to burn off energy without leaving the house (this goes double for those whose kids are home on a previously scheduled school day). Here are some ways to occupy at least a few of the long minutes between breakfast and bed. 

14 Yoga Poses That Will Occupy Your Kids for At Least 15 Minutes

A hand-picked selection of poses that let your kids channel nature and test their strength and balance, not coincidentally giving you the chance to do the same.

Plan Your Yoga Space

If you're trapped inside for the day, what better time to rearrange some furniture and finally carve out that little space you need for your yoga home practice? It's so much easier to get on your mat when you know where you're going to put it. Use these ideas and budget-friendly tips for inspiration.

Flow Through a Sequence of Standing Poses

This sequence starts and ends with downward dog, taking you through a flow of 7 classic standing poses. It's a great go-to for starting a yoga home practice.

Try Meditating
If you've been wanting to try meditation but haven't had time, now's your chance. If it's your first time, try to sit for just 10 minutes. Here's how.
Yoga Breathing Exercises - Pranayama
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