Wednesday, January 14, 2015

About Low Fat Cooking: Make It Meatless

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From Fiona Haynes, your Guide to Low Fat Cooking
You don't have to be a vegetarian to enjoy vegetarian dishes, and replacing just two weekly meals with a meatless dish can help us to eat less fat, especially saturated fat.


10 Low Fat Vegetarian Meals
Cutting out meat once or twice a week can cut our overall fat intake considerably, especially if we replace our weekly red meat options. Of course, not all vegetarian meals are low fat. Macaroni and cheese is a good example. In many cases, it's a matter of choosing some beans or legumes for lean protein, and supplementing them with grains and vegetables.


How Eating Fish Can Help You Eat Low Fat
Fish is an excellent source of protein that is low in saturated fat, so why aren't we eating more of it? If you're bored with eating skinless chicken while trying to cut back on fat, then why not consider adding fish to your diet?


5 Quick and Easy Low Fat Chicken Dishes
The humble boneless, skinless chicken breast gets a bad rap, which is a shame. When it's cooked right, it's the perfect lean protein base for many a low-fat meal. The trouble is we all too often overcook it, which renders it rubbery and stringy. Why not go for regular skin-on chicken breasts, you might ask? Because most of the fat is contained in the skin. It's simple enough to remove, so it makes sense to do so.


Low Fat Chili Recipes
Chili is undoubtedly one of America's favorite dishes, although it would seem no two chili dishes are alike. Everyone has their own idea of chili should be, whether it features red meat, white meat, no meat, the type of beans they put in it, and so on. Here are six kinds of chili, all of them low fat


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Fiona Haynes
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